Thursday, 25 October 2012

Muscle man

Yesterday after morning tea Burnham school went to the lunch area to listen to a special guest.The special guests name was Levi. Room two thought the guest was going to be Ronald McDonald.

Levi has tattoos down his arms.Also he had a mow hawk. Levi told us about his life being a sumo wrestler. He received heaps of money. Levis  is the strongest man in New Zealand. He trains and trains to be a sumo wrestler. He spoke about following your dreams that was his most important message he tried to tell us.I then got hi-fives.

I felt happy because we got to talk to the strongest man in New Zealand.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Goal Reflections

Dear Parent/ Caregiver,

As a class we have been reflecting our “collective” goals for Room 2 as set in term one. Each individual student self assess their own efforts in regards to each bullet point in each section. If he/she  felt that they accomplish the goal he/she highlighted the goal. If he/she felt that they had to work on the goal they left it blank.

In consultation with the each individual I have assess their efforts in each goal. I have marked this in red.


  •  “tick" is that I believe he/she have demonstrated the he/she has carried out the goal in an ongoing manner.
  • "Working towards” is an individual has shown evidence that he/she is nearing completing the goal.
  • "Next Step learning" is where an individuals goals might be focus in the future.

The last page is where your child has set new goals for their education. This is an opportunity to speak to your sibling and discuss and talk about their learning.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Brush Your Teeth- Procedural Writing



 How to get your teeth white and clean by brushing your teeth.


Tooth brush, Tooth paste, Water


1.Tooth  paste  on  your  tooth  Brush  using the bristle end.

2.Put the  tooth brush in your mouth and move your  hand around  when you are holding  the tooth brush  in  your  mouth.

3.Rinse your  mouth  with  Water .
4.Wash your face with a flannel.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


Kobe’s Maths group have been learning to make whole tens when adding to solve a maths problem. Kobe demonstrates what he has learnt in his movie.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Simming 2012, Comic Life

Multi Skills at Lincoln

Last Thursday room 2 and some of room 5 went to Lincoln event center.

We drove on a bus to Lincoln. Different schools were there before us.I felt nerivous because it was a new thing for me. Although I was excited when I got inside because of all the activities.

My favourite game was the Ladders.Also you had to balance a bean -bag on your head as you walked around the ladder.

After lunch the classrooms went and played on the playground. We took the bus back to Burnham school, it was nearly home time when we arrived back to Burnham School. I had a good time at the multi skills day.